
go along是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

go along

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第三人称单数:goes along  现在分词:going along  过去式:went along  过去分词:gone along  



na.1.to continue to happen or develop; to continue doing something2.to travel somewhere with someone else

1.进行 no-go area 【法】 禁区 go along v.前进,进行,赞同,支持 go off half-cocked 仓促行事,草率行 …

2.前进 go all out 全力以赴, 鼓足干劲 go along 前进 go along with 陪伴; 赞成, 同意 ...

3.沿着……一直走 be next to 紧邻 go along 沿着……一直走 go straight across the yard 径直穿过院子 ...

4.同意 go about 进行着手,流传 go along 伴随,向前,同意 go around 到处去,分配 ...

5.继续 go all out 全力以赴, 鼓足干劲 go along 继续,进行 go along with 同意 ...

6.沿着……走 1. around town 环城之行 2. go along 沿着---走 4. on the corner of (在街道)拐角处 ...

7.向前走 go along 向前走 goalong 向前走 ...


1.Traffic is all the moving cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles that go along the roads.交通量是所有在路上行使的轿车,客车,卡车和摩托车(的总和)

2.I don't go along with all that, but it's interesting that he had a simple solution.我并不完全同意他的观点,但让人感兴趣的是他给出了一个简单的解决方案。

3.Wan Qu Qu spoilage go along analyses , study , discuss the main body of a book mainly, be used for out a summary then.本文主要就弯曲曲损耗进行分析、研究、讨论,进而做出总结。

4.Keep up your research in the realm of positive thinking and you just might be able to get even the stubbornest soul to go along with you.抱持着积极思维的境界坚持你的研究行动,那么即便是最犟牛的灵魂都会有可能被你捕获随你而行。

5.There seems to be little option other than to go along with what you don't want to go along with. That's upsetting you.看起来除了赞同你不喜欢的事情几乎没有其他选择,这会使你心烦意乱。

6.Others may become a bit intimidated by your confidence, so be sure to be diplomatic and caring as you go along.别人可能会为你的表现感到些许不适,因此记得要和往常一样关心他人,正常社交。

7.Even if you could learn to be a wizard overnight, you would need the proper personality to go along with it.即使你能在一夜之间学会巫术,你也需要一个恰当的性格来配合它。

8.Flux, on the other hand, measures, when I go along the curve, roughly how much the field is going to across the curve.从另一方面来看,“通量”度量的是,沿着曲线前进时,大致会有多少向量场通过曲线。

9.asks you to go along with her to pick out invitations, go with her.当您可爱的妻子要被要求你去与她挑选了邀请函,请她。

10.So as you go along your spiritual search, observe the long-term effect of every doctrine and practice that comes your way.所以,在进行精神探索的时候,观察每个教条和习俗的给你带来的长期效果。